Well Hello There.....
Our fabulous team at BLISS are super proud to be hitting the LAUNCH button for our new shiny website.
Some thing we have been tirelessly working on for weeks, fueled on copious amounts of coffee from our lovely local cafes in Milton.
We launched our original online store in march 2018, and we are ecstatic with its overwhelming fast success, so we wanted to tweak it and make it even better & prettier just in time for your Christmas online shopping.
Bec (our store manager) and I are new at all this website development stuff but hey we're a couple of clever chook's who are now website self taught and built this baby all by ourselves, after lots of trials, errors, swear words and laughs up in our little office.
We hope you enjoy the new BLISS shopping experience.
I am looking forward to writing Bliss on the Blog
So stay tuned for our next additions, were I will be sharing some BLISS behind the scenes shenanigans, sneak peaks into my interstate buying trips, our new collections and news about what happening in BLISS.
Have a Fab day
Mel xxx